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Overcoming Picky Eating and Raising Intuitive Eaters

Overcoming Picky Eating and Raising Intuitive Eaters In-Person

Mariel Baron, a local registered dietitian, discusses how to make family meals peaceful by defining yours and your child's role at the table and developing strategies to help your child build comfort around new food. Learn how to navigate sweets and how to encourage your child to trust their own body to guide their eating. Register online beginning May 20.

Thursday, June 10, 2021
8:00pm - 9:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Registration has closed.

This online program uses the Zoom livestreaming platform. It will require access to a computer, mobile device with the Zoom app installed, and/or a phone for audio-only access.

Registration with an email is required in order to receive information on how to connect. The email will be sent three (3) hours prior to the scheduled start time of the program.